Tuesday, March 13, 2012

what else can i do

hello my name is.... well thats not important right now, what is important is the massive mess america is in. im so tired of the way things are ran in this country.. i cant think of anything better to do with my time then get on this blog and complain. i dont know how many people will see this but i hope its alot and in someway if even very little help change the way america operates. there are so many things wrong i have a hard time deciding where to start.. lets start with the fact that most americans are 1. spoiled rotten  2. greedy bastards  3. selfish  4. power hungry and  5. a little ignorant.. with all the technology we have in the world you would think we could afford to not have shit so expensive. the price of everything is ridiculous, gas alone can break the average household and thats if u can even afford a car. nowadays you have to be a jack of all trades because no one can afford to pay a business to come fix anything because they have to have high prices to make any profit.. america is gonna fail and fall apart into a civil war because of the way we run things i am tryin not to jump around so much with my train of thought but its hard when your mad.. i am gonna continue this blog until i am no longer mad  so stay tuned for more rants.. i have to go to work so i will continue this tonite or tomorrow..  Live Free or Die

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